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Select the Collapse icon to minimize your class management bar. You can undo this action by simply clicking the icon again.

Click the Share button to choose the entire screen or a single application window to share with the entire class. Your primary view will automatically turn into a view of your screen share, and you can end it at any point by clicking Stop sharing, which appears in the preview window at the top right corner of your screen.

Click the video and microphone icons to temporarily turn off your camera and microphone.

Select the More Actions (three-dot) menu to access various functions. 1. Annotate on presentation slides or documents. This is available only when you are sharing your screen. You can also open a blank canvas if needed. 2. Hear tables while on the podium in table mode: When learners are working in groups at their tables, and the classroom audio is in table mode, you will not hear each individual table discussion. If you'd like to do so, you can choose this option. Alternatively, you can join tables if you want to speak with smaller groups of learners. 3. Distribute Docs will allow you to share working Google documents to each table for group work and collaboration. 4. Call all students who did not speak yet will send a raise hand request to all learners who have not previously raised their hands during class. 5. Switch to moderated will allow you to set the class to moderated mode. Learners now will need the instructor's approval to join the podium and speak to the entire class when raising their hand. 6. End Class will log you out and/or close the classroom.

Click ACTIVATE TAG to to activate a Tag in your presentation or document during class. Engageli Tags allow you to run poll/quiz questions and many different class workflows, including starting timers, distributing documents to tables and activating seating arrangements. When running polls and quizzes, you will be able to view live results and can Share results in real-time with the class. You can see the number of learners who answered the poll and the number who did not answer. You can also Lock answers prior to sharing to prevent learners from changing their responses.

Select CLIPS to play a video. You can upload a video before class in the Engageli Portal under Content Management. You can also play a video directly from a YouTube URL. Learn more about video clips here.

Click START on the timer to enter the time you want to set, and then click the yellow forward arrow. You can then add or subtract minutes with the up/down arrows if you want to add or remove time during a session. Learners will see the timer at the top of their screen so they know how much time is left.

Click the display icon direct the class to a particular view (tablemates, instructor’s video, instructor’s screen share, etc.) This can help to ensure learners are focused on the right material, at the right time.

Click the gear icon to open the classroom settings to change table sizes, mute learners, and more before and during class.

There are two main audio modes in Engageli: Room Mode and Table Mode. Room Mode This is the default when you enter your Engageli classroom. This means that as the instructor you will hear the audio feeds from all learners, and they will hear each other, regardless of where they are seated. When to use: class discussions, lectures, announcements, etc. Table Mode When you enable Table Mode, learners will hear only their tablemates and you will only hear learners who raise their hands. When to use: small group discussions, projects, and other table activities You can easily toggle between the two modes.

Click GALLERIES to view the video feeds of all learners. If you hover and click the Actions menu in an individual learner’s video feed, you’ll see options for:

  • Request to unmute
  • Request to turn cam on
  • Add to panel
  • Request raise hand
  • Send a message
  • Send a reaction to learner
  • Observe learner’s table
  • Block learner from class
Switch to the LISTS view to see a list of learners at each table.

Click the Lecture recording button to start a recording at any point once you have logged into a class. You can stop, pause, or continue the recording as needed. After the class has concluded, you will be sent an email with links to the class recording. We suggest that learners use the Playback Rooms to watch class recordings. Note that Engageli never records table conversations for learner privacy. Learn how to optimize your recording for asynchronous learning.

Click Action: to sort, randomize or customize the Gallery. You can also hide empty seats.

Use the search bar to find where learners are seated. You can see learners on the table view and list view.

The CHAT tab allows you to send direct messages to learners, specific tables, staff, or the entire class. Choose the recipient of the message from the drop-down menu. You can also upload documents to chat as well as download the chat history during class.

The Q&A tab opens the Question & Answer thread for the class. Here you can post questions, answer questions, and download the thread. You can also validate correct answers. The Q&A thread persists between sessions, so you can see the growing list of questions throughout the duration of the course.

Click TABLES for a primary view of the tables. You can see exactly where learners are seated. From here, you can move individual learners to different tables, create randomized groups, or select a preset table arrangement.

Click OBSERVE to check in on learners during group activities or discussions without interrupting the flow of conversation.

You can join tables to interact with each table individually. When you join a table, the TABLE tab appears on the right side of your screen next to the CHAT and will automatically show the video feeds of all learners seated at that table. You can leave a table and go back to the podium by clicking QUIT on the table in the TABLES view or by clicking the back arrow for the table you joined at the top of the screen.

Use the Seating drop-down to move learners around during class automatically. There are multiple options, including: 1. Free Seating: Learners join the class and can sit wherever they want. 2. Instructor's Seating: Assigns learners to the table groups that you initially set up if/when a roster was created in the Portal. These serve as default table assignments. 3. Random Arrangement Tablesize: Randomly redistribute participants across tables in group sizes (1-10 participants) of your choosing. 4. Split Students by Poll Results: Split learners by different poll responses into table sizes of your choosing.