Shaqueta Pierre Gadson

Shaqueta Pierre Gadson


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More from Shaqueta Pierre Gadson


How Microlearning Can Transform Corporate Training

Have you ever attended an inspiring and informative training session only to forget the key points soon after? The Ebbinghaus' Forgetting Curve illustrates that information is quickly forgotten after ...
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The Power of Role-Play: Simulations in Corporate Training with Engageli

Imagine a new manager preparing to have a tough conversation with an employee or deliver a negative annual review. The employee could resist feedback, displaying defensiveness or a lack of openness ...
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Using Learner Analytics to Enhance Online Instruction & Training

The use of technology and data analytics has become increasingly important with the necessity, flexibility, and ubiquity of virtual training and instruction. Learner analytics can be used to identify ...
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5 Tips for Managing the Chat During Virtual Classes and Trainings

Facilitators of virtual classrooms and training sessions must balance presenting their session material, navigating the features of the platform, and holding their learners' attention to keep them ...
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