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Measuring the True Impact of Learning for L&D Leaders

Demonstrating the true impact of learning has puzzled L&D leaders for decades, and it seems technological advancements have only heightened the importance of this challenge. There are new ...
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Leave Passive Learning Behind: Active Engagement and Outcomes in L&D

Are you tired of traditional passive learning methods that fail to engage your learners and lead to low retention rates? With only 13% of workers engaged, it's time to leave passive learning behind ...
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How to Use Technology to Drive Learner Engagement While Reducing Costs

Dan Avida, renowned serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist, recently gave a keynote presentation at the Learning Technologies Paris France 2024 conference titled How to Use Technology to Drive ...
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5 ways to use Polls in your Virtual training sessions

Various studies have shown that active learning helps learners process and retain information. What better way to encourage active learning than live polls during a training session?
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Webinar: Strategies from Learning Leaders on Making Online Learning Active

Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST / 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST To register, secure your spot on our event page!
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Toolbox Overload: How to Declutter Your Digital Classroom & Truly Engage

Picture your next training or L&D session. As a facilitator committed to active learning, you are likely planning to incorporate a variety of digital tools to keep engagement high. You might ...
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5 Ways to Increase Student Engagement in Online Education

Student engagement is a key predictor of academic performance and knowledge retention. One study by Gallup found that engaged students were 2.5 times more likely to do well in school, and 4.5 times ...
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Elevate Institutional Success with Engageli: Addressing RSI Requirements

In the intricate world of online education, compliance with Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) is both a benchmark for success and a significant challenge. Engageli is a pioneering solution, ...
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Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) in Online Learning

In online education, institutions face the challenge of adhering to Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) compliance. This requirement, set forth by the U.S. Department of Education, requires ...
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5 Ways to Incorporate Social and Collaborative Learning in L&D

In learning and development (L&D), fostering social connections and promoting collaborative learning is critical for creating engaging and effective learning experiences. Incorporating active ...
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Using Learner Analytics to Enhance Online Instruction & Training

The use of technology and data analytics has become increasingly important with the necessity, flexibility, and ubiquity of virtual training and instruction. Learner analytics can be used to identify ...
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Increasing Facilitator Control in Virtual Sessions: Engageli Updates

Managing a group of learners, whether in the classroom or in training sessions, can be difficult. The shift to fully online learning environments has added unique challenges, particularly when ...
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