Andreina Bloom Parisi-Amon
By Andreina Bloom Parisi-Amon
on July 22, 2024
Imagine a classroom buzzing with activity. Students are engaged in lively discussions. They are exchanging ideas, and deepening their understanding of the subject matter. This is the essence of small ...

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Discover the Impact of Data-Driven Teaching and Learning

“If I could only get a glimpse of what they are actually learning, that would make such a difference,” a senior Business School instructor once said to me. This wishful thought is common for ...
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How Microlearning Can Transform Corporate Training

Have you ever attended an inspiring and informative training session only to forget the key points soon after? The Ebbinghaus' Forgetting Curve illustrates that information is quickly forgotten after ...
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The Power of Role-Play: Simulations in Corporate Training with Engageli

Imagine a new manager preparing to have a tough conversation with an employee or deliver a negative annual review. The employee could resist feedback, displaying defensiveness or a lack of openness ...
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5 ways to use Polls in your Virtual training sessions

Various studies have shown that active learning helps learners process and retain information. What better way to encourage active learning than live polls during a training session?
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5 Ways to Increase Student Engagement in Online Education

Student engagement is a key predictor of academic performance and knowledge retention. One study by Gallup found that engaged students were 2.5 times more likely to do well in school, and 4.5 times ...
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5 Ways to Incorporate Social and Collaborative Learning in L&D

In learning and development (L&D), fostering social connections and promoting collaborative learning is critical for creating engaging and effective learning experiences. Incorporating active ...
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Using Learner Analytics to Enhance Online Instruction & Training

The use of technology and data analytics has become increasingly important with the necessity, flexibility, and ubiquity of virtual training and instruction. Learner analytics can be used to identify ...
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5 Tips for Managing the Chat During Virtual Classes and Trainings

Facilitators of virtual classrooms and training sessions must balance presenting their session material, navigating the features of the platform, and holding their learners' attention to keep them ...
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10 Fun Icebreakers for the Virtual Classroom

Engaging learners online can be a challenging task. To create a warm and welcoming class community, icebreakers are essential tools. You can start each virtual session with one, or add in a ...
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5 Strategies to Supercharge and Measure Engagement in L&D

How can you be sure that your online learning and development sessions are having the impact you want? The key lies in understanding and using the power of engagement. A study by Memon et al. (2019) ...
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How Engageli's Tables Support Online Small-Group Collaboration

Imagine an online classroom that feels as dynamic and interactive as a physical one. With Engageli's tables, collaboration and engagement between online learners is simple.
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