Andreina Bloom Parisi-Amon
By Andreina Bloom Parisi-Amon
on July 22, 2024
Imagine a classroom buzzing with activity. Students are engaged in lively discussions. They are exchanging ideas, and deepening their understanding of the subject matter. This is the essence of small ...

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Human Intelligence in an AI World: Insights from Learning Live

The recent Learning Live Networks event hosted by the Learning and Performance Institute (LPI) in London on July 10th, was a melting pot of ideas and strategic insights for global leaders. Among the ...
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Discover the Impact of Data-Driven Teaching and Learning

“If I could only get a glimpse of what they are actually learning, that would make such a difference,” a senior Business School instructor once said to me. This wishful thought is common for ...
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Richmond HR Forum in London: Key Takeaways

The Richmond HR Forum in London connects HR leaders from around the world to share their insights and strategies on pressing workforce development issues. It was thrilling to engage with these ...
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How Microlearning Can Transform Corporate Training

Have you ever attended an inspiring and informative training session only to forget the key points soon after? The Ebbinghaus' Forgetting Curve illustrates that information is quickly forgotten after ...
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The Power of Role-Play: Simulations in Corporate Training with Engageli

Imagine a new manager preparing to have a tough conversation with an employee or deliver a negative annual review. The employee could resist feedback, displaying defensiveness or a lack of openness ...
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Leveraging Active Learning to Strengthen Business Outcomes: Webinar Takeaways

Authors: Nisha Abraham and Christina Holloway In collaboration with Corporate Learning Network, Engageli hosted an interactive webinar titled "Leveraging Active Learning to Strengthen Business ...
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Making and Measuring Learning Impact: Insights from Global Learning Leaders

"Making and Measuring Learning Impact", held on May 8th and hosted by Engageli, brought together over 100 learning leaders to explore deep questions on the ROI for learning. With expert insights from ...
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Measuring the True Impact of Learning for L&D Leaders

Demonstrating the true impact of learning has puzzled L&D leaders for decades, and it seems technological advancements have only heightened the importance of this challenge. There are new ...
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Leave Passive Learning Behind: Active Engagement and Outcomes in L&D

Are you tired of traditional passive learning methods that fail to engage your learners and lead to low retention rates? With only 13% of workers engaged, it's time to leave passive learning behind ...
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How to Use Technology to Drive Learner Engagement While Reducing Costs

Dan Avida, renowned serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist, recently gave a keynote presentation at the Learning Technologies Paris France 2024 conference titled How to Use Technology to Drive ...
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5 ways to use Polls in your Virtual training sessions

Various studies have shown that active learning helps learners process and retain information. What better way to encourage active learning than live polls during a training session?
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