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Talk Less, Teach More: The Power of Small Group Discussions

Imagine a classroom buzzing with activity. Students are engaged in lively discussions. They are exchanging ideas, and deepening their understanding of the subject matter. This is the essence of small ...
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Human Intelligence in an AI World: Insights from Learning Live

The recent Learning Live Networks event hosted by the Learning and Performance Institute (LPI) in London on July 10th, was a melting pot of ideas and strategic insights for global leaders. Among the ...
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Engageli Named a Top 10 Superstar in EdTech Vision Report 2024

We are thrilled to share that Engageli has been honored by Emerge Education and JISC, two highly respected organizations in the EdTech landscape, as a Top 10 Superstar company in their EdTech 20:20 ...
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Discover the Impact of Data-Driven Teaching and Learning

“If I could only get a glimpse of what they are actually learning, that would make such a difference,” a senior Business School instructor once said to me. This wishful thought is common for ...
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The Science of Active vs. Passive Learning in Virtual Classrooms

In recent years, the shift to virtual classrooms for education and corporate training has grown exponentially. Online learning offers convenience and accessibility, enabling learning from virtually ...
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Richmond HR Forum in London: Key Takeaways

The Richmond HR Forum in London connects HR leaders from around the world to share their insights and strategies on pressing workforce development issues. It was thrilling to engage with these ...
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How Microlearning Can Transform Corporate Training

Have you ever attended an inspiring and informative training session only to forget the key points soon after? The Ebbinghaus' Forgetting Curve illustrates that information is quickly forgotten after ...
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Learning Ideas 2024: Key Insights For Learning Leaders

We were thrilled to send the Engageli team to attend the Learning Ideas Conference 2024 in New York City, where education professionals and innovators gathered to discuss the future of learning. The ...
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The Power of Role-Play: Simulations in Corporate Training with Engageli

Imagine a new manager preparing to have a tough conversation with an employee or deliver a negative annual review. The employee could resist feedback, displaying defensiveness or a lack of openness ...
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Leveraging Active Learning to Strengthen Business Outcomes: Webinar Takeaways

Authors: Nisha Abraham and Christina Holloway In collaboration with Corporate Learning Network, Engageli hosted an interactive webinar titled "Leveraging Active Learning to Strengthen Business ...
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Making and Measuring Learning Impact: Insights from Global Learning Leaders

"Making and Measuring Learning Impact", held on May 8th and hosted by Engageli, brought together over 100 learning leaders to explore deep questions on the ROI for learning. With expert insights from ...
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Engageli Named Top EdTech Company By Holon IQ For 2024

Discover why Engageli has been recognized as a top EdTech company for 2024 by Holon IQ and how it is making waves in the education technology industry.
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Measuring the True Impact of Learning for L&D Leaders

Demonstrating the true impact of learning has puzzled L&D leaders for decades, and it seems technological advancements have only heightened the importance of this challenge. There are new ...
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Leave Passive Learning Behind: Active Engagement and Outcomes in L&D

Are you tired of traditional passive learning methods that fail to engage your learners and lead to low retention rates? With only 13% of workers engaged, it's time to leave passive learning behind ...
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How to Use Technology to Drive Learner Engagement While Reducing Costs

Dan Avida, renowned serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist, recently gave a keynote presentation at the Learning Technologies Paris France 2024 conference titled How to Use Technology to Drive ...
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5 ways to use Polls in your Virtual training sessions

Various studies have shown that active learning helps learners process and retain information. What better way to encourage active learning than live polls during a training session?
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Webinar: Strategies from Learning Leaders on Making Online Learning Active

Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST / 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST To register, secure your spot on our event page!
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Toolbox Overload: How to Declutter Your Digital Classroom & Truly Engage

Picture your next training or L&D session. As a facilitator committed to active learning, you are likely planning to incorporate a variety of digital tools to keep engagement high. You might ...
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5 Ways to Increase Student Engagement in Online Education

Student engagement is a key predictor of academic performance and knowledge retention. One study by Gallup found that engaged students were 2.5 times more likely to do well in school, and 4.5 times ...
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Elevate Institutional Success with Engageli: Addressing RSI Requirements

In the intricate world of online education, compliance with Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) is both a benchmark for success and a significant challenge. Engageli is a pioneering solution, ...
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Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) in Online Learning

In online education, institutions face the challenge of adhering to Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) compliance. This requirement, set forth by the U.S. Department of Education, requires ...
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5 Ways to Incorporate Social and Collaborative Learning in L&D

In learning and development (L&D), fostering social connections and promoting collaborative learning is critical for creating engaging and effective learning experiences. Incorporating active ...
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Using Learner Analytics to Enhance Online Instruction & Training

The use of technology and data analytics has become increasingly important with the necessity, flexibility, and ubiquity of virtual training and instruction. Learner analytics can be used to identify ...
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Increasing Facilitator Control in Virtual Sessions: Engageli Updates

Managing a group of learners, whether in the classroom or in training sessions, can be difficult. The shift to fully online learning environments has added unique challenges, particularly when ...
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Learning Technologies France 2024: Elevating Workplace Learning

From 24 - 25 January, Engageli will be connecting with workplace learning professionals from around the world in Paris for Learning Technologies France 2024. The Engageli team, including CEO and ...
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Webinar: 5 Ways to Unleash the Power of Social & Collaborative Learning

Did you know that attention spans in learning environments can fade as early as 30 seconds into a session? Are you looking for a better way to hold learner attention during corporate training ...
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Increasing Attention with Social and Collaborative Learning

Keeping participants engaged and focused is a universal challenge in professional learning and development. At the Learning 2023 conference, Nisha Abraham, Engageli’s Learning Development Specialist, ...
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5 Tips for Managing the Chat During Virtual Classes and Trainings

Facilitators of virtual classrooms and training sessions must balance presenting their session material, navigating the features of the platform, and holding their learners' attention to keep them ...
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10 Fun Icebreakers for the Virtual Classroom

Engaging learners online can be a challenging task. To create a warm and welcoming class community, icebreakers are essential tools. You can start each virtual session with one, or add in a ...
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DeVry University & Engageli: Collaborative Asynchronous Learning

For today's learners, both flexibility and quality in education are essential. To meet this need, DeVry University, in partnership with Engageli, is focusing on creating engaging asynchronous ...
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5 Strategies to Supercharge and Measure Engagement in L&D

How can you be sure that your online learning and development sessions are having the impact you want? The key lies in understanding and using the power of engagement. A study by Memon et al. (2019) ...
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Elevating Learning and Development at Learning 2023

From December 5-7, Learning 2023 will be shaping the future of learning and development in Orlando, Florida. Learning 2023 is an annual conference and exhibition designed to bring you innovative ...
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How Engageli's Tables Support Online Small-Group Collaboration

Imagine an online classroom that feels as dynamic and interactive as a physical one. With Engageli's tables, collaboration and engagement between online learners is simple.
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Webinar: Supercharge Engagement in Learning and Development

Are you looking for ways to increase engagement in your online training sessions? Are you unsure of the best way to measure the impact of your L&D initiatives? Engageli is presenting a webinar ...
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Create Engaging Asynchronous Training with Learning Parties

What if online training sessions could be just as engaging as Netflix watch parties, while keeping all the flexibility of self-paced modules? In a world where Netflix has revolutionized the way we ...
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Redefining Asynchronous Learning: Expert Insights from DeVry & Engageli

For today's learners, both flexibility and quality in education are essential. At the upcoming QM Connect 2023 conference, the online education community will come together to discuss, deliberate, ...
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Unlocking Data-Driven Instruction With Engageli's Powerful Analytics

In the evolving landscape of education, the power of data cannot be overstated. It provides unique insights into learner engagement, participation, and outcomes, offering a pathway for instructors to ...
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Four Engaging Days of Quality Education at QM Connect 2023

From November 5 - 8, 2023, QM Connect will be shaping the future of high-quality education in Bloomington, MN. This year’s conference theme is Milestones, Momentum, and Innovation.
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Elevating Digital Learning at University of Southern Queensland: Dr. Jacka & Dr. Lindsay

Engageli is all about revolutionizing the online learning landscape, a mission that resonates profoundly with educators worldwide. Today, we’re shining a spotlight on two remarkable educators from ...
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Four Engaging Days of Online Learning at OLC Accelerate 2023

From October 24 - 27, 2023, OLC Accelerate will be shaping the future of online, digital, and blended learning in Washington D.C. This year’s conference theme is Creating Connections: Uniting ...
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An Engaging Day of Learning and Development at DevLearn 2023

From October 25 - 27, 2023, DevLearn will be shaping the future of learning and development in Las Vegas. DevLearn is North America’s largest learning technology event for over 15 years.
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Optimising Your Onboarding: How to Make the Most of New Teaching Tools

In the fast-paced world of education, time is a valuable asset. Each day brings a new challenge, a new task, and a new opportunity to enhance the learning experience for learners. In this ...
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Benefits of Learning and Development for Retail Workers

In retail, equipping employees with the right tools and knowledge is essential. Learning and development (L&D) plays a key role in improving the skills of retail workers, fostering a proficient ...
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Why Video Conferencing Tools Fall Short

Is your video conferencing tool truly meeting your online collaboration and learning needs? With work and learning increasingly moving to hybrid and remote models, it's critical to understand the ...
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EOCCS Learning Community Symposium 2023: Recap and Key Insights

The EOCCS Learning Community Symposium, held on September 14th and 15th, 2023, offered an interactive space for thought leaders, educators, and business professionals to explore the value of online ...
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Engageli for Insurance Companies: Use Cases for Transforming Training

The insurance industry, a leading employer of 2.9 million professionals across nearly 6,000 companies in the United States, is in the midst of digital transformation. Research by McKinsey found that ...
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5 Reasons to Switch to Engageli Over Traditional Video Conferencing

The tools you choose for online collaboration and learning can make or break your success. Are you tired of making do with traditional video conferencing tools, navigating through endless tabs and ...
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Engageli AI: Designed for Efficiency and Human Connections

We are harnessing the power of generative AI to enhance learning outcomes, collaboration, and efficiency - all while we continue to center human connections. Teaching and learning can be tedious and ...
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Unleashing the Power of Engageli on the EdUp EdTech Podcast

Engageli's Academic Engagement Specialist, Nisha Abraham, joined host Holly Owens on the EdUp EdTech podcast. Nisha shares insights into her background, Engageli’s innovative approach to improving ...
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EngageLIVE Recap: The Future of Remote and Hybrid Work

Engageli held a virtual discussion that explored the future of work, challenging myths and providing tools for remote and hybrid work environments. The EngageLIVE session was hosted by Nisha Abraham, ...
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Increasing Business Growth With Sales Training & Onboarding

High-performing businesses recognize that company growth and success relies on the performance and efficiency of their sales team. However, the secret to a top-performing sales team isn’t just talent ...
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Increasing Online Learner Engagement With Engageli's Table Mode

As instructors, our ultimate goal is to foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment where every learner feels comfortable and encouraged to actively participate. At Engageli, we are ...
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Engageli’s New Collaboration Spaces

Asynchronous Flexibility Meets Collaboration Flexibility is a key benefit of online learning. Being able to learn in your own space, on your own time, has increased access to learning! Whether in ...
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Zoom Out, Engage In: How Engageli Enables Remote Work and Productivity

The new cry of CEOs, particularly in the tech space, is remote work causes lower individual performance and reduced company productivity. As a result, there has been a trend of companies mandating ...
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5 Essential Strategies for Effective Hybrid Work and Training

Did you know that 74% of company leaders are currently using or plan to implement a permanent hybrid work model? Meanwhile, 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their ...
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EOCCS Learning Community Symposium: The Value of Online Engagement

For the seventh time, EFMD Global is bringing together thought leaders, educators, and business professionals at the forefront of online education at the EOCCS Learning Community Symposium.
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The Future of Online Learning Through AI at Melbourne Business School

In today’s digital landscape where new ideas continually reshape the field of higher education, Engageli seeks to spotlight thought leaders who are making an impact. This article, featuring the work ...
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Active vs. Passive Learning: Online Design at Melbourne Business School

In today’s digital landscape where new ideas continually reshape the field of higher education, Engageli seeks to spotlight thought leaders who are making an impact. This article, featuring the work ...
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Innovating Education: EdTech Initiatives at Melbourne Business School

In today’s digital landscape where new ideas continually reshape the field of higher education, Engageli seeks to spotlight thought leaders who are making an impact. This article, featuring the work ...
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EngageLIVE Recap: Unlocking the Myths of AI and Data Intelligence

Engageli held a virtual panel discussion that explored the field of AI and data intelligence, challenging myths and presenting current real-world applications. The EngageLIVE session was hosted by ...
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5 Ways to Maximize Team Productivity in Remote and Hybrid Work

Today's workspace is no longer confined to the four walls of an office - an increasing number of employees connect and collaborate virtually. But what does this mean for productivity, and how can ...
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Expand Virtual Learning with the New Engageli features

Engageli is purposefully iterating and growing our product to transform the way we can learn virtually and collaboratively. Next month, Engageli is going to see new features, an improved user ...
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Overcome Breakout Room Limits: Virtual Collaboration With Engageli

Are breakout rooms truly meeting your online collaborative needs?
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Boosting Online Learner Engagement With Engageli's Innovative Features

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital learning, instructors are constantly on the lookout for tools that enhance the virtual classroom experience. At Engageli, we are committed to providing ...
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The Impact of Corporate Learning and Development on Employee Retention

In the fast-paced world of business, where competition is fierce and talent is sought after, organizations face a daunting challenge: retaining top-performing employees. While many strategies can be ...
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AI in Education: Exploring Emerging Technologies With Gomera Tech

In today’s digital landscape where new ideas continually reshape the field of higher education, Engageli seeks to spotlight thought leaders who are making an impact. This article, featuring the work ...
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Implementing New Technology in Education: A Macro Strategy for Success

In today’s digital landscape where new ideas continually reshape the field of higher education, Engageli seeks to spotlight thought leaders who are making an impact. This article, featuring the work ...
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Navigating the Online Education Space With Gomera Tech

In today’s digital landscape where new ideas continually reshape the field of higher education, Engageli seeks to spotlight thought leaders who are making an impact. This article, featuring the work ...
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Technology innovation leads to richer virtual learning experiences

Making remote learning experiences feel like the in-classroom experience remains a challenge in Higher Education. However, providing students with flexible, accessible, and engaged learning ...
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Communitech expands the possibilities for virtual learning

The Partner Spotlight series features stories of Engageli partners who are using Engageli to facilitate learning experiences around the world. Partners join us to share their stories of virtual ...
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EngageLIVE Recap: Unlocking Success in Today's Evolving Business School Landscape

We recently held a panel discussion that explored the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of business education. Business school leaders, deans, and online learning innovators came together for an ...
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Enabling Engagement at Scale with Engageli

The Partner Spotlight series features stories of Engageli partners who are using Engageli to facilitate learning experiences around the world. Partners join us to share their stories of virtual ...
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From a Disjointed Learning Experience to Collaborative Project-Based Learning

The Partner Spotlight series features stories of Engageli partners who are using Engageli to facilitate learning experiences around the world. Partners join us to share their stories of virtual ...
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Discover Your Superpowers: Balancing Parenthood and Startup Life

This high-performing team at Engageli, a fast-paced EdTech startup, share their tips on balancing a demanding entrepreneurial career with the ultimate startup: parenting If you have children or work ...
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Leveling the Learning Curve: Some Key Takeaways

In May 2023, Columbia University hosted the conference "Leveling the Learning Curve," bringing together industry leaders, educators, and students to explore the future of online education. The event ...
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What are you most looking forward to at #ATD23?

The Association for Talent Development (ATD) International Conference and Expo is a highly anticipated event that brings together talent development professionals from around the world. The ...
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Navigating Employee Engagement in a Remote Global Workforce

As businesses around the world continue to adapt to the paradigm shift brought on by remote work, executives, Chief Learning Officers, and L&D leaders face a unique yet shared challenge: how to ...
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Join Engageli at Europe’s Leading Workplace Event: Learning Technologies 2023

The Engageli Team is gearing up for The Learning Technologies Conference and Expo (#LT23UK), taking place in London next week (May 3-4, 2023). Learning Technologies is Europe's leading showcase of ...
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Building a Culture of Knowledge Sharing: The Role of Intentional Technology in Unlocking Organizational Knowledge

Is your company missing out on growth opportunities by failing to tap into the implicit knowledge of your employees? Read on to learn how we use our own product to surface and leverage tacit ...
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What to Expect at The AACSB International Conference & Annual Meeting

The AACSB International Conference and Annual Meeting is one of the most important events in the field of business education. Taking place next week, Sunday April 23 - Tuesday, April 25 in Chicago, ...
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Level up your Learning at Learning Solutions 2023

The Engageli team is excited to attend the Learning Solutions Conference & Expo this year in Orlando, FL from April 12-14. Learning professionals from around the globe will gather to explore ...
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University of Nicosia Drives Innovation and Engagement with Intentional Technology

The University of Nicosia's School of Business is recognized for its excellence in teaching and research on the interdisciplinary field of business and ICT. With over 2,000 students (in January 2023) ...
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Embracing the World of Evolving Technology in Education

"If we find ways to harness the power of technology together, our learners will excel and be able to work, write, and think beyond what they are capable of right now." - Andreina Bloom Parisi-Amon, ...
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Partner Spotlight Series: Dr. Molly Milam

The Partner Spotlight series features stories of Engageli partners who are using Engageli to facilitate learning experiences around the world. Partners join us to share their stories of virtual ...
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Mental Health in a Virtual Workplace

As we head into 2023 as a fully remote company, mental health is an important topic to keep in mind for Beverly Rubin, VP of People at Engageli. In a recent Forbes article , Jess Cording, dietician ...
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What Will 2023 Bring? The Future of L&D in a Hybrid World

As technology has evolved and driven both the creation of new business sectors and how both existing and new business sectors operate, there has been debate on what shape the future of corporate ...
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Suitable for active learning activities: Engageli as an active learning tool

This is the last post in the series evaluating Engageli as an active learning technology against the Educause rubric, as I address the last criteria: ‘Suitable for Active Learning Activities.’ (The ...
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Flexible: Engageli as an active learning tool

Next up in this series evaluating Engageli as an active learning technology against the Educause rubric is the criteria: ‘Flexible.’ (The introduction to the series can be found here.) In the ...
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Equitable: Engageli as an active learning tool

Next up in this series evaluating Engageli as an active learning technology against the Educause rubric is the criteria: ‘Equitable.’ (The introduction to the series can be found here.) In the ...
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Business Ecosystem Partners - sharing values, sharing work

We are honored to feature a guest blog post from Jade Mountain, Director of Digital at London Business School... Those of you who work with me know that I’m a huge fan of celebrating ecosystem ...
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Broadly Available: Engageli as an active learning tool

Next up in this series evaluating Engageli as an active learning technology against the Educause rubric is the criteria: ‘Broadly Available.’ (The introduction to the series can be found here.) In ...
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Participation: Engageli as an active learning tool

Next up in this series evaluating Engageli according to a rubric published in Educause for measuring the effectiveness of active learning technologies is the criteria: ‘Participation.’ (The ...
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OEB 2022 Shaping the Future of Learning - Conference Summary and Insights

What is the future of learning and who is shaping it? Are we ready to leave our pandemic mindset behind and make intentional choices about what our classrooms and learning experiences will be like in ...
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Easy to Use: Engageli as an Active Learning Tool

Please join me as I look at how Engageli measures up against a rubric designed to evaluate active learning technologies. You can find an overview of this rubric and how Engageli stacks up here. In ...
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Active Learning and Why it Matters

What is active learning? The term as we know it today was coined in 1991 by Charles Bomwell and James Eison in their work “Active Learning: Creating excitement in the classroom.” Bomwell and Eison ...
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How Engageli scores on an Active Learning Rubric

Sasha Mathrani, a former teacher, instructional technologist, and current Engager, recently shared a post about active learning that highlighted two main points: 1) active learning matters, and 2) ...
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Engageli v3.0 enables active learning in new ways

Engageli is a purpose-built platform to empower educators to deliver engaging and active virtual learning experiences synchronously and asynchronously. Our team is constantly incorporating feedback ...
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What to Expect at OEB 2022 - Shaping the Future of Learning

The Engageli Team has been on the road this fall and our next stop is Online Educa Berlin (OEB) next week (23-25 November), an annual global conference and exhibition that focuses on the latest ...
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EngageLIVE Recap: Sensemaking in Executive Education

Recently we held a virtual panel on Sensemaking in Executive Education: Preparing Business Leaders for the Unknown. Participants from more than 20 cities worldwide seeking inspiration, representing a ...
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What’s in store at Learning 2022

The Engageli team is on the road for the next few weeks and we’re excited to make the Learning 2022 Conference in Orlando, Florida on November 6-9 one of our stops! Learning 2022 is the premier event ...
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Using Technology To Create Engaging Remote Learning Experiences

Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic-induced shift to widespread remote work and learning, emerging trends in training pedagogy have accelerated, creating a new opportunity for engaging tech-enabled ...
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Life in the classroom after the pandemic

(Translated from Spanish)
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Continue to build community outside of class

Building community is central to a safe, effective environment for learners. We shared a few ways to build community in your virtual classroom, but with Engageli, you can take that a step further by ...
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Starting the semester with a focus on community

Whether you are in-person, online, or some combination of the two, building community is essential to creating a safe and effective learning environment. As James M. Lang, an education writer and ...
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Resetting the new maxima in higher education

According to, over 40% of college students say their ability to learn, mental health, and social life have gotten worse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Professors report that students ...
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Engageli: a comprehensive solution for learning & development

Corporate learning and development (L&D) is as important as ever, helping companies gain and retain top talent, improve productivity, and contribute to the company’s success. Hence, it’s ...
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Five ways to have a seamless start to the school year

We know prepping for the new school year can be hectic. Whether you are a new educator or have tenure, we’ve gathered five helpful tips for a seamless transition back to your in-person or virtual ...
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Tyton Partners Founder's Five, an interview with Daphne Koller of Coursera and Engageli

Daphne Koller co-founded Coursera in 2012 with fellow Stanford Computer Science professor Andrew Ng with a mission to provide universal access to world-class learning. In 2020, Daphne Koller ...
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Why online learning must remain part of the education toolkit

Much has been written about the lessons from the Covid-19 induced pivot to remote learning in higher education but a recent feature in the New York Times entitled, “My college students are not OK,” ...
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Cool tool: Engageli

Here’s a cool tool: it’s a comprehensive learning environment purpose-built by educators to provide a superior learning experience and drive strong learner outcomes in higher education. It’s called ...
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What makes Engageli special? A culture as unique as the product.

As a guest at an Engageli All Hands meeting you might think you’re in a highly engaged university classroom. Employees – “Engagers” – are joining synchronously from six countries spanning seven time ...
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Talented STEM scholars collaborate on Engageli

Engageli, a purpose-built comprehensive learning environment designed by educators to foster active, collaborative learning, and deeper peer-to-peer connections, announced that it will be supporting ...
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Guest post: Engageli, a tool for active learning

We are honored to feature a guest blog post from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)’s Digital Team. This article on “Engageli: a tool for active learning” was originally published on UC3M’s ...
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Time for tech

Technological advancements keep any industry fresh, and the meetings and events industry is no exception. Historically speaking, the general look and feel of today’s meeting technology has improved ...
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‘Do it all’ culture ‘driving great resignation’ in academia

Academics are “burning the candle at multiple ends” as they struggle to marry an 18th-century ideal of their craft with the demands of the 21st-century world, according to edtech guru Daphne Koller.
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Creating a virtual campus

Introduction The University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ) is a regional university based in Toowoomba, about a 1.5-hour drive west of Brisbane, Australia. UniSQ offers courses in law, health, ...
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Building an edtech platform from the ground up

Engageli is led by a team of experienced educators, entrepreneurs, and technologists working to transform higher education by giving educators and learners an accessible and flexible platform that ...
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Purpose-built for education, part two

Engageli is led by a team of experienced educators, entrepreneurs, and technologists working to transform higher education by giving faculty and learners an accessible and flexible platform that aims ...
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International business school leaders weigh in on online learning: how universities can maximize human interaction and student connection

According to an OECD report on the world after COVID, business school leaders stated that COVID had a profound impact on education. These outcomes will leave their mark and continue to evolve. Five ...
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Vote for Engageli in the 2022 Tech Edvocate Awards!

Engageli is a nominee for Best Higher Education Solution in The 2022 Tech Edvocate Awards and YOU can help us win! Since our founding, we’ve worked to support learners and instructors around the ...
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Seven ways to (almost) ruin your ed tech implementation

While many colleges and universities cobbled together emergency solutions for remote classes during the 2020-2021 academic year, it was indisputably one of the most challenging times in higher ...
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Partnering for success in digital transformation, part one

Engageli is led by a team of experienced educators, entrepreneurs, and technologists working to transform higher education by giving faculty and learners an accessible and flexible platform that aims ...
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Meet the flexible future of learning

Dan Avida is the Co-Founder and CEO of Engageli. Before founding the company, Dan worked in technology as an executive and/or board member for more than three decades. Throughout his career, he has ...
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Using remote learning technology to boost student engagement and interaction

In spring 2020, more than 1,300 universities and colleges across the US cancelled their in-person classes or shifted to online-only instruction. This led to valuable lessons in boosting student ...
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The future of learning is radically decentralized: what’s next for higher education?

As we have witnessed in a variety of industries, higher education is embracing change and moving from a centralized framework to a world where most learning happens beyond the boundaries of ...
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Open edX & Learning Platforms Newsletter

Learning Platforms: Functionalities
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Flexibility & community: UPCEA Annual Conference reflections

I just returned from the UPCEA Annual Conference in Orlando, FL which brought together thought leaders and practitioners in the field of professional, continuing, and online education. This is the ...
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The future is now: Andreina Parisi-Amon of Engageli on how their technological innovation will shake up the education industry

Before joining Engageli as VP of Learning & Teaching, Andreina Parisi-Amon accumulated over 15 years of experience in academia and the edtech industry, including three years in K-12 applied ...
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Higher education doesn’t need to settle. Instructors and learners need technology that puts education first

Video conferencing platforms have been around since the early 1990s, but took off in the 2000s and 2010s with the advent of programs like Skype on computers and Facetime on iPhones. When the COVID19 ...
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Building an engaging, accessible online learning platform for higher ed

Engageli is led by a team of experienced educators, entrepreneurs, and technologists working to transform higher education by giving educators and learners an accessible and flexible platform that ...
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The EdTech Awards 2022: finalists & winners

Finalists and winners for The EdTech Awards 2022 have been announced to a worldwide audience of educators, technologists, students, parents, and policymakers interested in building a better future ...
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Meet the disruptors: Dan Avida of Engageli on the five things you need to shake up your industry

Before founding Engageli, our CEO Dan Avida spent more than three decades as a tech executive, board member, and venture capitalist. Throughout his career, he participated in scaling several ...
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Embracing digital transformation: Andreina Parisi-Amon

Andreina Parisi-Amon, Ph.D. (Vice President of Learning & Teaching at Engageli) joins Dr. Whitney Kilgore, Ph.D. on this episode of iDesign's Intentional Design to discuss the ongoing hesitancy ...
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Engageli update offers browser-based teaching, improved tools

Virtual teaching and learning company Engageli has launched version 2.0 of its platform, introducing a browser-based interface for instructors (in addition to the existing native application for ...
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Engageli launches the version 2.0 of its learning platform

San Mateo, California – based Engageli announced this month the launch of version 2.0 of its learning platform.
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Engaging with Engageli: Dan Avida

Dan Avida (Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder at Engageli) joins Dr. Whitney Kilgore on this episode of Intentional Design to give us a serial educational entrepreneur's perspective of engagement ...
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Engageli and the coming wave of pandemic-era education tools

With the rapid shift to remote work and study brought about last year by COVID-19, tools that were initially developed for remote meetings were force-fit to meet the problem at hand. The result was ...
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The tech entrepreneur behind Coursera is now designing a better online classroom

When the pandemic hit, Dan Avida and Daphne Koller saw their two daughters’ schooling change overnight. "We didn’t think they were getting a particularly good education on Zoom‚ which was designed ...
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EdTech predictions for 2022

The continued impact of COVID-19 prompted massive changes for the education sector, as schools had to establish ways for their students to productively study remotely.
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The Digital2Learn Podcast Ep 117: Andreina Parisi-Amon, Part Two

The Digital2Learn Podcast welcomes Andreina Parisi-Amon, VP of Learning and Technology at Engageli. Learn about new digital tools that contribute to improved student engagement, and don’t miss a ...
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The Digital2Learn Podcast Ep 116: Andreina Parisi-Amon, Part One

The Digital2Learn Podcast welcomes Andreina Parisi-Amon, VP of Learning and Technology at Engageli to the Digital2Learn Podcast. Learn about new digital tools that contribute to improved student ...
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Engageli smarter platform for online education: VP Andreina Parisi Amon

Engageli aims to provide a more engaging platform for learning at universities and more. VP of Learning and Teaching Andreina Parisi-Amon chats with Techstination's Fred Fishkin.
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The time to invest in intentional online learning is now

Over the last week, a large number of institutions in the US and abroad, including Harvard and Princeton Universities in the United States, the Imperial College of London, and the University of ...
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Collecting data on our students is the only way forward

Ubiquitous data collection will give rise to large datasets, which can help improve outcomes for all students – especially those most in need, according to Engageli Co-Founder and Stanford University ...
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Coventry University leverages cutting edge educational technology to transform the student experience

Coventry University is introducing a new platform that will allow students and academics deeper collaboration through digital learning thanks to a new strategic collaboration with Engageli. The ...
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Exploring engaging learning with Engageli

Michael B. Horn interviewed Dan Avida, CEO of Engageli. Dan cofounded the company with his wife, Coursera cofounder Daphne Koller, to create a more active online learning experience. Having raised ...
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Unbundling Harvard: how the traditional university is being disrupted

Harvard University — and the elite college experience — is being disrupted across many of its core functions and revenue streams.
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How to successfully onboard a new (virtual) team member

Engageli is fully remote; the team spans five countries, and represents eight time zones and nine US states! While working remotely has its benefits, it also has its challenges. Here are some of the ...
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הטבות ופינוקים? כבר לא מספיק: "בסוף אתה עובד ושואל בשביל מה אני קם בבוקר"

אם התחרות בין חברות ההייטק הוכרעה בעבר באמצעות מקרר גלידות או אירועי חברה מפוצצים, היום כשמרבית המשק מעניק את אותם התנאים, החברות שאליהן פונים באופן אקטיבי המועמדים הטובים ביותר הן אלו שמצליחות לייצר ...
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How technology is unlocking next-era teaching and learning

Before the COVID-19 pandemic started in March 2020, solutions for active, social, and collaborative aspects of online learning were woefully inadequate. Existing technology attempted to add ...
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Engaging students on-line in the new COVID normal

With large numbers of students studying offshore or at home during the COVID-19 emergency institutions had to pivot quickly to find suitable online delivery platforms. Like other institutions, ...
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Learners deserve safe learning environments in our new blended world

In recent months, I’ve had the privilege of working with hundreds of faculty members and executives at universities across Europe and the Middle East, exploring strategies for technology-enhanced ...
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5 edtech platforms for higher education – better blended and hybrid learning

Do you know edtech can help you in hybrid teaching? It’s hard to come up with universal methods for teaching any subject and in any circumstances. But there is no doubt that the world of education ...
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Hubilo picks up $125M to double down on building a more engaging platform for virtual and live events

Virtual became the norm for physical gatherings at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, and now, as many jet back into in-person meetings, some believe that the online version, at least in some form, ...
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ESMT Berlin brings Engageli in on global online MBA

The announcement comes after Engageli collaborated with ESMT and the African Institute for Mathematical Science on a five-week employability program for STEM graduates earlier this year.
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Startup class technologies bets big on the future of online learning (and Zoom)

It may not seem too surprising that one of the best-funded edtech startups in the past year of pandemic has been a company that piggybacks on the success of Zoom to add tools for running online ...
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The Pulse: Dan Avida of Engageli

The new episode of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Dan Avida, CEO and co-founder of Engageli. The discussion with Rodney B. Murray, host of The Pulse, explores the company's digital ...
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20 things you didn't know about Class

Class, even though it is a bit nascent with reference to the technological market, seems like it has a bright future ahead of it. The platform has not even been around for a year, and yet it is ...
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InSpace touts easy availability on Canvas as new generation of edtech services seeks wider audiences

The integration reflects growth efforts and staying power among remote learning products born amid the pandemic, according to edtech sector experts. It fits into a trend of vendors, investors and ...
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Lights! Camera! Engage!

Todd Zipper, EVP and GM of Wiley University Services and Talent Development, welcomes Dan Avida, CEO and Co-founder of Engageli. Todd and Dan discuss how the pandemic highlighted the need for more ...
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German business school supports African graduates’ transition to industry

The ESMT Berlin and the African Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS) tuition-free joint initiative, the Industry Immersion Programme (IIP), designed to help mathematically-trained African ...
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UC3M llega a un acuerdo con Engageli para mejorar la enseñanza online en el próximo curso

La pandemia dejó el curso pasado, en gran medida, la enseñanza vía Internet y la incertidumbre de la situación para el próximo curso, apunta a que todavía las clases online seguirán teniendo mucho ...
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Modernizing legal education through hybrid JD programs

Though online education saw explosive growth across all disciplines in 2020, law schools experienced perhaps the most substantial shift. The American Bar Association halted its Standard 306 distance ...
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Three reasons online learning is more beneficial than in-person

Colleges and universities have a unique opportunity to completely rethink and transform the learning experience based on learnings accelerated by the pandemic and investments that they made in ...
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How the pandemic has accelerated the demand for online education

The shift to embracing online learning was happening before the pandemic. Most universities were already offering distance learning in some shape or form but doubled down during Covid.
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What does the future look like for online learning?

Over the past year, myself and the team at Engageli have been in close discussions with colleges and universities around the world, listening to their needs for the upcoming year and beyond. Higher ...
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What happens when digital learning surpasses in-person learning?

Providing the highest quality education in a world of constant change is challenging, but we have a responsibility to create better solutions. As the “new normal” emerges, it will require ...
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This is our chance to create the classroom of the future

Providing the highest quality education in a world of constant change is challenging, but we have a responsibility to create better solutions. As the “new normal” emerges, it will require ...
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The Dutch EdTech podcast episode #6: interview with Talia Kolodny - Engageli

The Dutch Edtech Podcast brings the edtech community together through insights, events, and network opportunities, to accelerate learning innovation and create a more adaptable society. In this ...
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EdTech & Education: The future of digital education: The next five years

From hybrid learning to throwing out standardized testing, the pandemic has accelerated more than a few interesting trends in higher education. But which ones will stick? In this eye-opening session ...
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Daphne Koller talks student engagement and technology advancements in higher education

Daphne Koller, computer scientist, founder of Coursera, and former professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University, speaks to how higher education has changed during the ...
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The future of learning platforms: LMS and video to share top billing

Last week [Phil Hill] led a webinar for Contact North, a nonprofit corporation funded by the government of Ontario, that was meant as an update to last year’s session on the LMS. For this update he ...
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DecisionMaking podcast episode #21: Education decision making with Talia Kolodny, Director of Partnerships, EMEA at Engageli

How is the world of education evolving? How is Israel compared to the rest of the world from an educational perspective? Don't miss Talia's tips at the end of the episode on how to plan your career
Read More → nabs another $33 million while announcing the launch of the platform, a Palo Alto-based collaborative learning platform designed in 2020 to give an answer to Zoom’s teaching limitation, raised another $33 million in Series A this month. The round was ...
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Digital learning platform Engageli raises $33 Million

Engageli — a purpose-built digital learning platform designed to provide superior learning experiences for students and instructors across higher education — announced it raised a $33 million Series ...
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EdTech: Engageli lève 33 millions de dollars auprès de Maveron et Educapital

Le secteur de l’EdTech a connu un véritable boom en 2020, en raison de la fermeture des écoles et des universités à travers le monde. Le marché devrait atteindre les 400 milliards de dollars en 2025. ...
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Zoom-alternative Engageli raises $33M to grow its digital learning platform

Engageli is one of several companies looking to improve video-conferencing for higher education. Rather than create plug-ins for Zoom or similar services, however, Engageli’s founders created a ...
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Axios Pro Rata, May 11, 2021

Engageli, a San Mato, Calif.-based online teaching platform, raised $33 million in Series A funding. Maveron led alongside an undisclosed investor, and was joined by Corner Ventures, Good Friends and ...
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Engageli nabs $33M more for its collaborative video-based teaching platform

As schools move more widely into reopening their doors for in-person learning, many educational institutions have also learned a critical lesson in the last year. Having better tools to teach ...
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Engageli raises $33 million series a to scale its hyped instructional platform, plans to go live for the fall semester

Engageli on May 11 reported it had raised a Series A funding round worth $33 million. While the online instruction platform has not announced any clients or institutional deployments, it has been ...
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Engageli raises $33M in Series A funding

Engageli, a Palo Alto, Calif.-based purpose-built digital learning platform designed to provide learning experiences for students and instructors across higher education, raised $33m in Series A ...
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Engageli raises $33m to "transform" online learning

"Engageli is reimagining online education,” said the company’s co-founder and CEO Dan Avida, who launched the company with Stanford emeritus professor Serge Plotkin and Coursera co-founder and ...
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Engageli raises $33 million to stake its claim as the platform for higher education

VC investor Dan Avida saw how limited and disengaged his two girls were with remote learning through Zoom when the pandemic first closed classrooms and sent everyone home. After not finding another ...
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Engageli nabs $33M more for its collaborative video-based teaching platform

As schools move more widely into reopening their doors for in-person learning, many educational institutions have also learned a critical lesson in the last year. Having better tools to teach ...
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Higher education remote learning platform Engageli raises $33 Million

Digital learning platform Engageli was built from the ground up by educators and launched this past October. The company has raised $33 million in Series A funding to transform online learning in ...
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Fast Company World Changing Ideas Awards 2021: education finalists and honorable mentions

Companies or initiatives that help inspire better and more equitable learning. See the list in Fast Company here.
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These learning tools are shaping the online schoolhouse

BEFORE THE GLOBAL pandemic started, I did not think anything could break my heart as thoroughly as watching my daughter struggle with remote kindergarten.
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The best home tech innovations from CES 2021

Entertainment technologies that improve our home lives and products that make our homes more connected during the pandemic were the emergent trends at this year’s CES exhibition.
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Is the solution to college zoom fatigue … a different video platform?

Just as the pandemic is loosening its grip and schools and colleges move back to in-person classes, new startups are offering video platforms they say do a better job of teaching than Zoom or other ...
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Picking your future ‘classroom’ will shape how students learn

What’s the most influential technology in education right now? Or, more to the point, what’s been the bedrock of education since, say, March 2020?
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76 students weigh in on edtech: pain points, opportunities, & favorite tools

For brief context, my name is Meagan Loyst and I’m an early-stage investor at Lerer Hippeau and the Founder of Gen Z VCs. EdTech is an area I’ve focused on since the beginning (see tweet below) and ...
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Tired of ‘Zoom University’? So is edtech

The rise of “Zoom University” was only possible because edtech wasn’t ready to address the biggest opportunity of the past year: remote learning at scale. Of course, the term encapsulates more than ...
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Zoom fatigue: what we have learned

Early in the remote learning efforts of the spring semester last year, we found that many faculty members unaccustomed to teaching online made few adaptations to the new delivery mode other than ...
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82 awesome higher education that will take 2021 by storm

This article showcases Startup Pill’s top picks for the best Higher Education startups. These startups are taking a variety of approaches to innovate inside the Higher Education industry and around ...
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How virtual learning is being reinvigorated through tech, from CES 2021

Technology is adapting to accelerate students’ potential to learn from home, as teachers and students have been obligated to adapt to virtual learning due to the global coronavirus pandemic, ...
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