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Seven ways to (almost) ruin your ed tech implementation

While many colleges and universities cobbled together emergency solutions for remote classes during the 2020-2021 academic year, it was indisputably one of the most challenging times in higher ...
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Meet the flexible future of learning

Dan Avida is the Co-Founder and CEO of Engageli. Before founding the company, Dan worked in technology as an executive and/or board member for more than three decades. Throughout his career, he has ...
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The future of learning is radically decentralized: what’s next for higher education?

As we have witnessed in a variety of industries, higher education is embracing change and moving from a centralized framework to a world where most learning happens beyond the boundaries of ...
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Open edX & Learning Platforms Newsletter

Learning Platforms: Functionalities
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The future is now: Andreina Parisi-Amon of Engageli on how their technological innovation will shake up the education industry

Before joining Engageli as VP of Learning & Teaching, Andreina Parisi-Amon accumulated over 15 years of experience in academia and the edtech industry, including three years in K-12 applied ...
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The EdTech Awards 2022: finalists & winners

Finalists and winners for The EdTech Awards 2022 have been announced to a worldwide audience of educators, technologists, students, parents, and policymakers interested in building a better future ...
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Meet the disruptors: Dan Avida of Engageli on the five things you need to shake up your industry

Before founding Engageli, our CEO Dan Avida spent more than three decades as a tech executive, board member, and venture capitalist. Throughout his career, he participated in scaling several ...
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Embracing digital transformation: Andreina Parisi-Amon

Andreina Parisi-Amon, Ph.D. (Vice President of Learning & Teaching at Engageli) joins Dr. Whitney Kilgore, Ph.D. on this episode of iDesign's Intentional Design to discuss the ongoing hesitancy ...
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Engageli update offers browser-based teaching, improved tools

Virtual teaching and learning company Engageli has launched version 2.0 of its platform, introducing a browser-based interface for instructors (in addition to the existing native application for ...
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Engageli launches the version 2.0 of its learning platform

San Mateo, California – based Engageli announced this month the launch of version 2.0 of its learning platform.
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Engaging with Engageli: Dan Avida

Dan Avida (Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder at Engageli) joins Dr. Whitney Kilgore on this episode of Intentional Design to give us a serial educational entrepreneur's perspective of engagement ...
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Engageli and the coming wave of pandemic-era education tools

With the rapid shift to remote work and study brought about last year by COVID-19, tools that were initially developed for remote meetings were force-fit to meet the problem at hand. The result was ...
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